Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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A deal alert for the writers among us

Catherine Ryan Hyde

A couple of years ago my friend Anne R. Allen, a fellow author and publishing industry blogger, collaborated with me on a book for writers. It's not so much a book about how to write. We figured the market was saturated with those. No, this is more about how to get where you're going in this tough industry, and how to survive the challenge with relative good cheer.

That, we figured, needed addressing.

It's called How to be a Writer in the E-Age: A Self-Help Guide. And until March 27th the Kindle edition is on sale for only 99 cents. I think you will agree when you read it--it's a whole lot of useful advice for under a dollar. In the UK, the Kindle edition is on sale until the 29th.

Anne is the award-winning voice behind Anne R. Allen's Blog, and has a new book blog called Anne R. Allen's Books. This week she celebrated the price deal on How to be a Writer by reprinting an interview we did together about her blog and her work. (And other interesting and useful topics such as dealing with internet bullies and trolls, and the pressures of social media.) Stop by her book blog and check it out.

And I guess in this case I should say... happy writing!