Interested in what's new? My next release, MICHAEL WITHOUT APOLOGY, will go on sale May 6th, 2025.

Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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How to be a Writer in the E-Age

How to be a Writer in the E-Age: a Self-Help Guide is here in ebook and paperback editions in both the US and the UK!

In a rare (for this almost entirely novel-driven author) nonfiction book, I've teamed up with Anne R. Allen, a wonderful author in her own right, and the brain behind the highly successful Anne R. Allen's Blog.

In our own words:

This is not another how-to book for writers. It’s a how-to-survive book. It’s something we think a lot of writers might need right about now.

If we’d known the challenges writers would face in the 21st century, we’d have gone into a more stable profession…like maybe running an all-ayatollah drag show in downtown Tehran.

Let’s face it. Aspiring writers need help. Writers today need to learn to ride the roller-coaster of a rapidly changing publishing business and deal with an overload of conflicting information.

We can find thousands of blog posts every day on the subject of writing and publishing, and we can’t read them all. Which ones do you trust? Who do you believe? So much of it is negative, snarky, or either/or.

Making a living as a writer gets more difficult by the day—does that mean fledgling writers should give up their dreams?

Our answer is a resounding no. The life of a creative writer can be the most rewarding in the world. A writer lives a life of the mind—an examined life. Whether you hope to become the next Stephanie Meyer, a self-publishing writer-preneur, a crafter of literary short stories, or just want to write for family and friends, life is infinitely enhanced by the process of creating worlds out of words.

Our book is about helping newer writers learn how to navigate the publishing business as it zooms into the future, to learn to be the best writer you can be—and keep on writing, no matter what.