Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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Gone hiking

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Which I guess is something like gone fishin' but on dry land and with a "g."

I leave today for a life-list, bucket-list trip to trek in the lower Himalayas of Nepal. Do watch for photos when I get back near the end of the month, as there will likely be two or three (THOUSAND!).

If you came to the site to send me email, please be patient. I'll still answer, but lag time applies.

This is something I felt it was important to do while I was still young enough and fit enough to gain altitude at altitude. I'll be going up to about 13,000 feet. Which by Himalayan standards is not much. But no doubt I will feel it. Maybe I'll be able to hike like this for many years to come, but I have learned not to take such things for granted.

Much more trip info when I return. And when I get back it will be less than a month to the launch of Leaving Blythe River! Woo hoo!