The Bet 2013: Even Pigeons Can Sing
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Itsmyluckyday, the bum.For those of you who follow this blog, you probably know all about The Bet. Three crazy authors, Brian Farrey, Kimberly Pauley and Andrew Smith have a yearly bet with equally crazy me. We each choose a horse in the Kentucky Derby. The person whose horse comes in first (only compared to the other three--it makes no difference who actually wins the race) assigns a story title to the second-place finisher, who has to write a short story to go with that title. And who also assigns a title to the third place finisher, etc. The person who comes in dead last doesn't get to stick anybody with a title.
Lucky me. I was dead last.
Brian came in first, so will not be writing a story. He will, however, be acting kingly and sitting in judgment, along with a fair amount of trash talking. His story title for Andrew, who came in second, is "Journey, Crimson, Nightmare, Name." Andrew gave third-place finisher Kimberly the title "The Druggist and the Apostrophe." Kimberly gave me the title "Even Pigeons Can Sing." She was rather specific about the fact that the Uncle Mo meme could finally end this year.
I set out to write a story with all new characters. But the title and theme led me right back to Tim and Brian. And as soon as I got there, I realized that, after last year's story, we just had to know what was hiding up in Uncle Mo's closet.
In case you want to read these interconnected stories in order, here is the full set of links:
2011: The Art of Being Stuck Here
As soon as Kimberly and Andrew have posted their stories, I'll add links to them in a follow-up.
Happy reading!