Cover Reveal Times Four
Catherine Ryan Hyde
In early October, my four older backlist titles, Funerals For Horses, Earthquake Weather and Other Stories, Electric God, and Walter's Purple Heart are coming back into "print." Figuratively speaking. They are coming back as ebooks. And they will never go out of print again.
For those of you who love physical books, there's a reason these are being released as ebook only. Because there are plenty of new and good-condition hardcovers floating around on the web. It didn't make sense to create a $15 paperback when you can find a new hardcover through a used book service for just a few dollars plus shipping. In general, I'm not going ebook-only with my new titles.
But for these four, it was the perfect way to bring them back to market, and introduce them to a whole new audience of readers. (Hello and thank you, brand new audience of readers. And if you've been my reader all along, thank you for that, too.)
So this is my cover reveal. These are the four brand-new covers for the new releases. Compare them to the original editions and tell me what you think!
I've revised the book pages for these titles and put a lot more information on each one, so you might go take a look. I'll definitely sound the horn when these are available.
Thanks for staying tuned!