Interested in what's new? My next release, MICHAEL WITHOUT APOLOGY, will go on sale May 6th, 2025.

Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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Get Well Wishes for Patty Ann

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Some of you may remember Oliver and Boo. They had their own More Kitty feature in May. Their owner and/or staff member (I've heard from a reliable source that dogs have owners and cats have staff) is Patty Ann W., a faithful reader, fan, librarian, and friend, who you may have seen in my first reader slideshow.

Patty Ann sent me a few more adorable kittty pics, which I wanted to share here. 

More importantly, Patty Ann is having some not-quite-diagnosed health issues, and I wanted to wish her a speedy recovery, and to encourage others to do the same. If you'll just leave a message in the comments, below, I'll encourage her to come see Ollie and Boo's second feature, and the "Get Well" wishes will be delivered.

And by the way, I didn't realize until yesterday that Patty Ann's initials are P.A.W. Now how's that for an animal lover? Even if you don't know Patty Ann at all, your Get Well wish can be from one animal lover (and book lover) to another.

So thanks, and here's mine: Get back on your feet soon, Patty Ann. Ollie and Boo need you, the book world needs you, and we want you feeling your best. So all good wishes, aimed right at you. I'll look forward to updating this blog post with your good news soon!