Interested in what's new? My next release, MICHAEL WITHOUT APOLOGY, will go on sale May 6th, 2025.

Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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So. Many. Deal Alerts.

Catherine Ryan Hyde

So. This is another one of those months. Those lovely months when just about everything is on sale. All my Lake Union titles, which are my most recent books. Here’s what we have in the way of February deals, and you can run down the list and see if anything catches your eye.

Four of my titles will be included in “Amazon’s Monthly Deals: Up to 80% off Kindle books in the US marketplace” for only $1.99 each. They are: JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, HEAVEN ADJACENT, SAY GOODBYE FOR NOW, and THE WAKE UP. These deals started 2/1/2019 and will run through 2/28/2019.

Then I have seven titles included in the same “Monthly Deals: Up to 80% off Kindle books in the US marketplace,” but for only 99 cents each. They are: LEAVING BLYTHE RIVER, ASK HIM WHY, THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS, WHEN I FOUND YOU, WORTHY, WALK ME HOME, and TAKE ME WITH YOU. This also runs from 2/1/2019 through 2/28/2019.

Now, those are all US deals. But there are a couple of things going on in other markets. THE WAKE UP will be promoted via Half Term Sale in the UK marketplace, starting 2/6/2019 and running through 2/24/2019, at only 0.99 GBP. And JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT will be promoted via February Kindle Daily Deal in the AU marketplace, starting 2/8/2019 and running through 2/8/2019, at 0.99 AUD. Of course if you click on those links today you’ll see them at full price, so please note the dates.

Happy saving. And reading!

HAVE YOU SEEN LUIS VELEZ? is here--in ARC form!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

This is very exciting to me.

Just a matter of two weeks or so following the release of JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, I received these from the UPS guy. A carton of beautiful (in my opinion) ARCs of my May 2019 release, HAVE YOU SEEN LUIS VELEZ?

I’m very excited to share LUIS VELEZ with you. I adore the cover, and the story just feels special to me.

So let’s get the energy started for its release by giving some of these away.

Now. I’m sighing in advance, because I always give these same simple directions, and I always beg people to read them, and a percentage of my readers don’t, and don’t get to be included. All I can do is beg, folks. It’s a couple of paragraphs. You can read it in thirty seconds. I really want to give you stuff. Work with me. :-)


Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

That’s it. I’ll leave this open for about ten days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!

JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT is Here--and it's on Prime Reading!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

It’s all I can do not to sing “Happy Book Birthday to Me” to myself this morning. Just After Midnight is here. This is its release day—December 4th.

It’s available in Kindle, paperback, audio CD, and Audible download. And the audiobook is quite wonderful. It’s narrated by Kate Rudd, who read the female part in The Fault in Our Stars. She has daughters who ride dressage, so she totally “got” this book, and it shows.

Now: A little surprise for those of you who have Amazon Prime. The JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT ebook is on Prime Reading. Right now, during its launch period. So if you have Amazon Prime, go out and grab this title absolutely free. If you preordered it, my understanding is that you will not be charged—or will be refunded—if you are a Prime member.

I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new book.

Happy reading!

An Amazing Month for Deals!

Catherine Ryan Hyde


On the month when I have a new book coming out. my publisher tends to discount almost everything in my Lake Union backlist. Which I think is a wonderful habit! JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT will release on Tuesday (12/4), and I have an amazing number of titles on price promotion for the whole month of December. And that’s Kindle and paperback, both.

I’m not going to link to every one, because there are just so many. But here is THE LINK TO MY AUTHOR PAGE on Amazon, and you can scan through and see what I mean.

And here’s a quick list of what’s on sale, so you can see if there is anything here you haven’t read.



All of those same titles, with the addition of ALLIE AND BEA, are on sale for only $6.99 in paperback, except THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS seems to be $7.99, and I’m not sure why. But still a great price for a paperback.

Happy reading!

Cover Reveal!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Okay, I’m even more excited than usual about this. Partly because this book is just special to me. Partly because I just adore this cover.

I told my editor over dinner one night, early this year, what I was envisioning for the cover of my May 21st, 2019 release, HAVE YOU SEEN LUIS VELEZ? The cover designer did a photo shoot, and here it is. Exactly what I was seeing in my head.

You can read more about HAVE YOU SEEN LUIS VELEZ here, and it’s available for preorder right now.

Let me know what you think!

Another JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT giveaway!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

As I write this, it’s only 24 days until the December 4th release of my next novel, JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT. And look what the UPS guy brought me yesterday. Finished paperbacks!

So, of course, I am offering a giveaway to thank my subscribers.

I’m going to give away three of these, and all you have to do is read two paragraphs and follow their simple directions. PLEASE? All I can do is beg. It’s so quick. Here goes:


Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.


I'll leave this open for seven or eight days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!

Deal Alert for Lovers of Paper Books!

Catherine Ryan Hyde


September is a great month for my US readers who prefer paperbacks to ebooks, who want to give one of my books as a gift, or who want to add a physical copy to their home libraries.

I have eight (yes, eight!) paperbacks on sale right through the end of September as part of Amazon's Popular Fiction Books Up to 50% off in the US marketplace.

Prices and links below:


The paperback editions of ALLIE AND BEA, WHEN I FOUND YOU, WALK ME HOME, THE WAKE UP, THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS, and WORTHY are on sale for only $6.99

The LEAVING BLYTHE RIVER paperback is on sale for only $5.98.

And the paperback edition of ASK HIM WHY is only $4.99! 

Happy reading!

Just After Midnight Giveaway!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

So this is the time I have fun with my blog, and hopefully the moment you're glad you subscribe.

I received a lovely carton of ARCs (Advance Readers' Copies) of my December release, JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT. And I'm going to give three away.

I always beg people to read the paragraphs below. A percentage of you don't. Then  I can't enter you because I can't contact you if you win. So, please, for your own sake... this takes less than a minute:


Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for nine or ten days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!


The Only Audiobook Ever Narrated by Me

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Recently I set out on what I thought might be an interesting project.

The only books of mine that are not available on audio (other than the YA books I published with Knopf) are the two story collections and my essay collection, THE LONG, STEEP PATH.

I thought the latter might be a great one to narrate myself, since it's nonfiction and about my life. In other words, I'm narrating my own experience in my own voice. So I gave that a go.

I do want to offer one disclaimer: It's a new announcement, but it's not a new book. It was published in 2013 and some of the essays are a little older than that. I write a lot about hiking, but only in the interest of sorting out life challenges. If it was a new book I'd be writing a lot about riding dressage in the interest of sorting out life challenges.

In any case, for those who are interested in hearing me narrate some true stories from my own life, the audiobook is available HERE.

Happy... um... listening!

Cover Reveal and What's Up Next

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Now that HEAVEN ADJACENT has dropped on everybody's Kindle or been delivered to your door, a lot of readers are asking me what comes next. 

It's called JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, and it releases on December 4th from Lake Union. You can read more about it and/or preorder it HERE.

And I just created a brand new book page for it on this site. 

It's less than six months away! 

Another Amazing Month for Deals!

Catherine Ryan Hyde


Here we are in another one of those months where a staggering number of my titles are on special price promotion. If you're missing any of these titles, here's your chance to pick them up for a song. These deals are good all through the month of June.

Here goes, starting with US deals: The paperback edition of SAY GOODBYE FOR NOW is only $6.99. The Kindle edition of TAKE ME WITH YOU is only $1.99 The Kindle edition of THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS  is only 99 cents.The Kindle edition of THE WAKE UP is only $1.99. The Kindle edition of SAY GOODBYE FOR NOW is only $1.99. The Kindle Edition of ALLIE AND BEA is only $1.99. The Kindle Edition of WORTHY is only $1.99. The Kindle Edition of ASK HIM WHY is only $1.99. The Kindle Edition of LEAVING BLYTHE RIVER is only 99 cents. The Kindle Edition of WHEN I FOUND YOU is only $1.99. The Kindle Edition of WALK ME HOME is only $1.99.


Now, for those of you in the UK: The Kindle editions of LEAVING BLYTHE RIVER, THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS, and ALLIE AND BEA are all only 0.99GBP. 

For Australian readers: The Kindle editions of LEAVING BLYTHE RIVER and THE LANGUAGE OF HOOFBEATS are only $1.49AU.


As always, happy reading!

A Giveaway!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

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Here's where I hope I make you glad you subscribed to this blog. 

I have the early finished paperbacks now of my June release, HEAVEN ADJACENT. And I'm going to give three away right now on this blog.

Now. Here's where I ask you to read a couple short paragraphs on how to enter correctly, and most people don't. And what can I do? I can only ask you to read them. I want to give you free books, but the entry has to be done in such a way that I can contact you if you win. So please, give me thirty seconds here:


Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for nine or ten days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!

US Deal Alerts for April

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Just a quick note to let you know that I have two books that are on a special price promotion as Kindle Monthly Deals for April. 

They are WORTHY and ASK HIM WHY.

If these are a couple of titles that fell between the cracks for you, this is a good month to pick them up, as they are only $2 and $1.99, respectively.

The titles and cover images are links--just click on them to go to their Amazon detail page.

These deals are good through April 30th in the US marketplace.

Happy reading!


Catherine Ryan Hyde


This is my favorite kind of giveaway. I love it when I can offer my readers a shot at a book that can't even be purchased yet. So imagine my delight when the UPS guy brought me a small carton of these yesterday--Advance Reader's Copies of my next novel, HEAVEN ADJACENT, hot off the presses!

Those of you who know me know I'm about to give three of them away.

Now. I say this every time. I'll say it again. I can't make you read the paragraphs below. But if you don't, you may make a mistake that will keep me from being able to enter you. So if you want one of these, please... take thirty seconds. 


Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for about ten days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!

THE WAKE UP is here (and what's next)!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

I might  be preaching to the choir here, and it might have been perfectly obvious through my giveaway posts, etc. But in case anybody missed the news, today is THE WAKE UP's book birthday!

It is on sale today in every format you've come to expect: Kindle ebook, paperback, MP3 audio, and Audible download.

As always, I love to hear from readers and will look forward to hearing what you think.

And I've just updated my news page with a sneak peek at what's next--my May 2018 release, HEAVEN ADJACENT.

Happy reading!

December is for deal alerts!

Catherine Ryan Hyde


I always try to let my readers know when they can pick up one of the books at a discount price. But this month is going to be unlike anything I've ever reported on before.

Here goes, and we'll see if I forget anything.

I have nine--count 'em, nine--ebooks included in the "Literature & Fiction Kindle book deals in the US marketplace." They are: Say Goodbye for Now, Ask Him Why, The Language of Hoofbeats, Take Me with You, When I Found You, Leaving Blythe River, Walk Me Home, Worthy, and Allie and Bea. Whew! Most of these titles are priced at 99 cents for the month of December. A couple are $1.99.


And if you're looking for print books, either for yourself or as gifts, those same nine books will be on sale in physical format as part of the "December Popular Fiction Deal in the US marketplace." They will be priced at either $6.49 or $6.99 (depending on which titles you choose).

And the deals are not only for my US readers! In Australia, I have four ebooks that will be part of the "December 40 for $2 in the AU marketplace."  They are: Ask Him Why, Worthy, Leaving Blythe River, and The Language of Hoofbeats.

In the UK the same four ebooks, Ask Him Why, Worthy, Leaving Blythe River, and The Language of Hoofbeats, will be included in the "December 60 for £1 in the UK marketplace." 

And every single one of these deals lasts until the 31st of December!


I hope you'll forgive me for not linking each one of these titles individually. That would have been a very big job! I trust you know how to find them on Amazon. You can search for them directly, or find them by following the links to the deal pages. 

Happy reading, happy gift-giving! 

Happy holidays!

Large Print Giveaway of ALLIE AND BEA

Catherine Ryan Hyde


So, as you know, when my publisher sends me presents in the mail, I announce giveaways. The alternative would be to put these books away in the garage. I have lots of books in my garage (seriously--you have no idea) and I honestly believe that's not where books belong. They should be in the hands of readers. 

And, hey... that's you!

I just received these lovely large print hardcovers of ALLIE AND BEA the day before Thanksgiving. I'm putting three up for grabs right now.

Okay, I say this every time: ***PLEASE READ BELOW!*** About 10% of people don't, and I can't enter them. You want to win free books, right? Right! I thought so!

Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for about ten days and then draw three winners at random. Good luck!


Paperbacks are here!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Look what just arrived on Friday. The UPS guy brought me finished paperbacks of THE WAKE UP.

And you know me, right? When the publisher sends me author copies, I start giving them away.

So let's do it. Another giveaway.

***Please read what's below. It takes seconds.***

Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for about a week before choosing three winners at random. Good luck!