Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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Happy book birthday to "Der Klang der Pferdehufe"!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

I've been waiting patiently (okay, not really--impatiently) for the 26th of January and the release of Der Klang der Pferdehufe in Germany. Literally translated, it means "The Sound of Horse's Hooves" and it's the German translation of The Language of Hoofbeats.

Now I know you might be thinking, "But it's only the 25th." But by late afternoon Pacific Time on the 25th here in the US, it's the 26th in Germany. And the ebook should be dropping onto Kindles even as we speak.

For those of you who don't know, German readers have really stepped up and embraced these books, and they are doing very well on, especially in Kindle. As of this writing, I have three books in the German Kindle Top 100: Ich Bliebe Hier, which has been in the Top 100 for 382 days, Als Ich Dich Fand, which has been in the Top 100 for 308 days, and Wir Kommen Mit, more recently released, at 44 days.

If you're one of my German readers, I hope you enjoy the new one, and I hope to hear from you. Thanks for making these books such a success!

Gratitude giveaway with a twist

Catherine Ryan Hyde

So this is something a little different.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a nice guy named Jeff at a company called USB Memory Direct. They supply USB flash drives in bulk that can be customized with any logo or cover art. Jeff offered me a small shipment of these personalized flash drives absolutely free, suggesting that I could give them away to readers, possibly loaded with a digital copy of one of my books. Who am I to say no to something that I can give away to you lovely folks absolutely free?

So here's where the gratitude comes in.

The Kindle edition of my photo book 365 Days of Gratitude: Photos from a Beautiful World is quite affordable, but usually ends up being viewed on small devices. The coffee table-size paperback has full color photos in a larger format, but it's pricey because it's expensive to produce. It struck me that this is the perfect book to view on your computer monitor, where the photos are crisp, bright, and huge. And free. And no ebook software required.

Take a look at what I mean. And this is just on a 15" laptop and not viewed full-screen.

So I loaded ten of these lovely personalized flash drives with a .PDF file of the photo book, and I'm ready to give them away. There's a ton of space left on these drives, by the way, so you can use them to store other things as well.

Short version of how to enter: LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in the comment form (a space for it will come up after your first click) or I won't be able to notify you if you win.

Happy photo viewing!

Giving away Leaving Blythe River ARCs!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Look what the UPS guy brought me today! Ella was happy because it's her favorite delivery guy, the one who keeps dog treats in his pockets. I was happy because he brought me these.

I have here a lovely carton full of advance reader's copies of Leaving Blythe River, my next novel to be released. This is not available for purchase until June, so you will really be the first on your block to have one of these babies. And not all of my Lake Union ARCs have the final cover. This one does, and what a cover it is! This is in my top three favorite covers of all time. So, if I may be allowed to say so, this is a nice looking ARC.

I'm putting five of these up for grabs.

NOW--PLEASE READ! Every time I have one of these giveaways, people make basic mistakes that get their entries disqualified, usually not leaving an email address so I can notify them if they win. I ask people to read to the end of the instructions, but a percentage of people don't. Please! Read this! I'm trying to give you free books! :)

Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. (It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.)

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for a week to ten days. Good luck!

Here's what's next! (With a cover reveal!)

Catherine Ryan Hyde

This is lovely timing. Around midnight tonight (Pacific time) my new novel Ask Him Why will begin to drop onto the Kindles of readers who preordered it. And on this very same day I get to do a cover reveal for what's next.

And what a cover it is! This is right up there with my favorite covers... ever.

The novel is called Leaving Blythe River, and it will be released by my publisher Lake Union/Amazon Publishing on June 14th, 2016. You can read more about it here, on the new Leaving Blythe River page I just added to this site.

It's available now for preorder in Kindle, in paperback, and as an unabridged audio CD.

I know June sounds like a long way off, but look how fast Ask Him Why came up. It'll go by in no time! And hopefully Ask Him Why will keep you busy while you're waiting. (And if you think you're caught up, check my Books page--you might be wrong!)

Happy reading!

Aaaannnd... the deals keep flowing!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

I just found out late yesterday that both Worthy and Take Me With You are included in Cyber Monday Deals Week's Deals in Kindle Books. 

The ebooks are only $2 each.

Why am I thinking of a pre-loaded Kindle as a holiday gift? Maybe because I did that once. Bought a Kindle and loaded it up with my books and a bunch of free classics and gave it to the nursing home Ella and I visit. (The one that was featured in Paw It Forward.)

Well. Just thinking out loud. :)

Happy holiday reading!


Deal Alert for UK readers

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Okay. You know how I'm always announcing these great price promotions, and they're usually for the US market? And my UK readers (of which there are many, and I appreciate you!) moan or sigh when they learn the deal is not for them?

Well this time it's just for you.

The Kindle ebook edition of The Language of Hoofbeats is included in "40 Kindle Books Discounted to £1 Each on" This deal starts 12/1/2015 and runs through 12/31/2015. 

Tell your friends who like to save money on books. And happy reading! 

A big thank you to my readers

Catherine Ryan Hyde

If you are one of the more than 500,000 people who read When I Found You, or one of the more than 250,000 people who read Take Me With You, or both, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for this honor.

These two lovely commemorations arrived yesterday from my publisher, Lake Union (Amazon Publishing). And of course I'm very grateful to them for their thoughtfulness. But I'm even more grateful to you, because none of this would have been possible if you hadn't taken a chance on my books.

Look closely at the left and right vertical edges of these awards. They're not just big rectangular slabs. They're books!

I feel very fortunate today. Probably because I am.

Thank you for being my reader! 

Gratitude giveaway

Catherine Ryan Hyde

The other two books are shown here to give you a sense of scale.

The other two books are shown here to give you a sense of scale.

You know... I seem to recall that many months ago, when I ordered two big cartons of the huge paperback "coffee table book" of 365 Days of Gratitude... I promised I'd give them away regularly.

And I did. For a time. And then life intervened.

Now I have a new way of sharing the photos in that book on social media. And it helps when others join in the sharing. And when you do, I'll put you in the running for a drawing of one of three of these big paper beauties.  

Here's what to do. And this is all different, so please read!

Go to THIS LINK to access its "AHA book" for sharing onto social media. Choose one you know you like (this method is best for those who have seen the ebook or some of the photos I've shared) and click the button to tweet it onto Twitter. Or copy and paste the the text into a Facebook post. You shouldn't need to sign in or create any kind of account unless you come back again and again.

Or, if this is easier, if you're a Pinterest person, go to the 365 Pinterest account and share to your own Pinterest boards, or to Facebook.

And then come back and tell me you did so in a comment. This is the honor system. You don't have to prove it. And please, please, (PLEASE?) remember that if I don't have your email with the comment, I can't enter you, because I can't contact you if you win.

Not sure how people will feel about a giveaway with a little more effort involved, but these are $35 books (and even at that price I just break even) and I think if you win one you'll feel it was worth the trouble.

We'll see how it goes. Comment with any questions or problems.

Happy posting and pinning!  

Wunderbar! Wir Kommen Mit!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

My wunderbar journey with AmazonCrossing continues with today's release of Wir Kommen Mit (We're Coming With, a slightly altered translation of the title Take Me With You) in Germany. It's available for German readers in a Kindle ebook and in paperback on

It will be exciting for me to watch this title, because it's my fourth book translated into the German market by AmazonCrossing, and the last two have done hearteningly well. Ich Bliebe Hier (Don't Let Me Go) spent 19 days at #1 in Kindle on and, 305 days later, is still in the top 100! Als Ich Dich Fand (When I Found You) has been in the top 100 for 232 days!

A heartfelt thanks to my German readers, and I hope you'll enjoy the journey of August and the boys as much as you enjoyed the books that came before! (And don't be surprised if there is more fun to be had early next year.) 

Gute lese!

Buone notizie! Affetti Straordinari!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

For those who don't know, Buone notizie is "Good news!" in Italian. (All right, I admit it, I wouldn't have known it if not for Google Translate.) And the "Affetti Straordinari" is the title of my newest language translation, released today--November 3rd--on!

It's the Italian-language translation of When I Found You, retitled to "Extraordinary endearments." And it's already jumped into the top 200 of Kindle, which is not bad for the morning of its very first day in release.

I also have a new title releasing in Germany on the 10th of November. It's called Wir Kommen Mit and it's the German translation of Take Me With You. (We're Coming With!)

Not sure how many of you speak either of those languages, but I'm exciting about the books spreading out to a wide world market, and I'm keeping you up to date with the news!  

Hardcover giveaway

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Gabriella from my wonderful author team at Lake Union recently told me she had a small carton of large print editions of The Language of Hoofbeats. She asked me if I wanted them. I said absolutely. I'll do a blog giveaway. So here goes.

These are beautiful hardcover large print books. I'll give away five.

PLEASE read the info below. (PLEASE?) A bunch of people consistently don't, and make some huge mistake like not leaving me any way to contact them, and miss their chance to get in and possibly win. So, seriously. It only takes a minute.

Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. Those familiar with my old website might be a little confused by the new comment system. It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.

 And if you're reading this on Goodreads, please click through and leave your comment on my original blog. Otherwise I worry I'll forget you when the time comes to draw names.

I'll leave this open for a week to ten days. Good luck!

Deal alert for my UK readers

Catherine Ryan Hyde

How many times have I apologized to you, lovely UK readers? I post a deal alert. I forget to say it's for the North American market only. You go out and check. You post a deep sigh on my blog or social media. You say, "Not here it's not that cheap."

Well, now Amazon has included the Kindle ebook edition of WORTHY in a 30-day special promotion that is specifically for my UK readers. Only £0.99 and that price is good until the 9th of November.

Just click here to go to the book on and happy reading!

The Bet: Finally, finally, the story!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

My horse Mubtahij, the bum.

My horse Mubtahij, the bum.

So, a funny thing happened on the way to posting our stories for The Bet. We're supposed to have thirty days. You know. After the Kentucky Derby.

Right. I know.

Brian Farrey, Andrew Smith and I were the losers who had to write stories. Kimberly Pauley won. But then Andrew got super busy with his career (yeah, remember those?) and needed more time. Finally he told us to go ahead and post without him and he'd catch up.

So Brian and I made a nice, solid plan to post our stories on Monday. As in, two days ago. And I got all caught up in my nerves and practice and preparation for a dressage clinic (it's a horse thing) yesterday and today. And I completely forgot.

Moral of the story? No idea. Unless it's "Never trust a writer to get it right."

My story is HERE. It's called Good Enough to Play at Stevie's, a title given to me by Andrew Smith. Those of you who follow the bet will recognize the characters. They call me back year after year. And Brian Farrey's story is HERE. He used the title I gave him, Seize the Night. And Andrew will catch up.

Oh, and in case you want to read my previous years stories, they are: The Art of Being Stuck Here, Uncle Mo Holds a Grudge, and Even Pigeons Can Sing.

Happy reading! And next year we're going to get this right, I swear.  

A deal alert for paper lovers: two of my books!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

These are two of my favorites, too.

From today through October 20th, my novels When I Found You and Take Me With You will be on sale as part of Amazon's "Up to 50% Off Select Literature and Fiction Books" promotion. These are high quality trade paperback editions, each for only $6.99.

That's a good deal.

So if you still love the feel of a physical book in your hands, this is your moment.

And maybe it's not too early to do a little holiday shopping?

As always, happy reading!

I think you'll like this giveaway

Catherine Ryan Hyde

I have an awful lot of readers and fans who tell me they're all caught up on reading my books (quite a feat!) and that now the problem is waiting until December. That's why I think you're going to like this giveaway.

Yesterday the UPS guy brought me a big carton of these lovely advance readers' copies of Ask Him Why. Yes, that's right. You can't buy the book until December 8th. But I'm about to give some away. In fact, I think I'm going to give away ten, because I know this is going to be popular. The fewer disappointed entrants we end up with, the better.

Unless you're an old hand at this, PLEASE read the paragraph below. Someone always doesn't, and enters without an email address, and I can't put their name in the hat because I can't contact them if they win. 

Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. Those familiar with my old website might be a little confused by the new comment system. It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.

 I'll leave this open for about ten days to two weeks. Good luck!